(734) 459-4183

2021 Interclub Tournament

July 24, 2021

Forms & Sparring

$45 For 1 or 2 Events

Daedo True Score System for all sparring divisions.

Hosted by Midwest Tae Kwon Do in Partnership with: Conrad Insurance Agency.

The Midwest Tae Kwon Do Interclub Tournament is a fun, high energy event for Midwest TKD students and our affiliates, and is conveniently located at Midwest Tae Kwon Do. Students yellow belt through black belt can compete in poomsae and sparring while gaining experience with the daedo electronic scoring system. This tournament is open to 50 competitors and all registrations must be received no later than July 17. When you register, please be sure to enter your competitor’s name in the contact information fields.

Tournament Date: July 24, 2021

Location: Midwest Tae Kwon Do, 584 West Ann Arbor Trail, Plymouth, Michigan

Required Gear: This tournament will be scored using the Daedo electronic scoring system. We will provide competitors with electronic hogus to wear during their matches, however, all competitors must bring all of their sparring gear. The following is required for participation in this event:

    • Sparring Gear: helmet, hogu, shin guards, arm guards, mouth guards
    • Daedo Socks: Daedo socks will be available to rent for $10 cash at the event for anyone who does not have their own. If you would like to purchase daedo socks for the tournament you may purchase them HERE. Please be sure to give yourself plenty of time for delivery if you choose to order daedo socks.

Report Times: Report times will be emailed to you 24 hours before the tournament. Be sure to check your email on Friday, the day before the tournament.

Link To Register: Click HERE to register. (Be sure to enter your competitor’s name in the contact information fields.)

Registration Deadline: July 22, 2021 at 5pm

Questions? Email us at info@midwesttaekwondo.com.


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